PREAMBLE: the question is wildly obsolete. The NDK build/native debugging system doesn't work like this anymore.
Directly related to this question. How can I make the include
directive in makefiles behave relatively to the location of the currently executing makefile.
Assume that the current path is arbitrary and you have no control over it. Only the makefile location is known. Your makefile is not the root one from the make
invokation - it's included. That's exactly how it is in Android NDK.
Is there a builtin variable with the current makefile's name or path (as opposed to the root level makefile)? Can I strip filename away from it, leaving just the path? Using make 3.81 on Cygwin.
:( And now the NDK build architecture is completely different anyway. – Hotshotcd
to the directory of the makefile, before running make? – Cystotomy