Try to install a tap on main mixer, then make it faster by setting the framelength, then read the samples and get average, something like this:
import framework on top
#import <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
add property
@property float averagePowerForChannel0;
@property float averagePowerForChannel1;
then the below the same>>
self.mainMixer = [self.engine mainMixerNode];
[self.mainMixer installTapOnBus:0 bufferSize:1024 format:[self.mainMixer outputFormatForBus:0] block:^(AVAudioPCMBuffer * _Nonnull buffer, AVAudioTime * _Nonnull when) {
[buffer setFrameLength:1024];
UInt32 inNumberFrames = buffer.frameLength;
Float32* samples = (Float32*)buffer.floatChannelData[0];
Float32 avgValue = 0;
vDSP_meamgv((Float32*)samples, 1, &avgValue, inNumberFrames);
self.averagePowerForChannel0 = (LEVEL_LOWPASS_TRIG*((avgValue==0)?-100:20.0*log10f(avgValue))) + ((1-LEVEL_LOWPASS_TRIG)*self.averagePowerForChannel0) ;
self.averagePowerForChannel1 = self.averagePowerForChannel0;
Float32* samples = (Float32*)buffer.floatChannelData[1];
Float32 avgValue = 0;
vDSP_meamgv((Float32*)samples, 1, &avgValue, inNumberFrames);
self.averagePowerForChannel1 = (LEVEL_LOWPASS_TRIG*((avgValue==0)?-100:20.0*log10f(avgValue))) + ((1-LEVEL_LOWPASS_TRIG)*self.averagePowerForChannel1) ;
then, get the target value you want
NSLog(@"===test===%.2f", self.averagePowerForChannel1);
to get the peak values, use vDSP_maxmgv instead of vDSP_meamgv.
LEVEL_LOWPASS_TRIG is a simple filter valued between 0.0 to 1.0, if you set 0.0 you will filter all values and not get any data. If you set it to 1.0 you will get too much noise. Basically the higher the value you will get more variation in data. It seems a value between 0.10 to 0.30 is good for most applications.