Here is a simple pojo:
public class Description {
private String code;
private String name;
private String norwegian;
private String english;
And please see the following code to apply an upsert
to MongoDb via spring MongoTemplate:
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("code").is(description.getCode()));
Update update = new Update().set("name", description.getName()).set("norwegian", description.getNorwegian()).set("english", description.getEnglish());
mongoTemplate.upsert(query, update, "descriptions");
The line to generate the Update
object specifies every field of the Item
class manually.
But if my Item
object changes then my Dao layer breaks.
So is there a way to avoid doing this, so that all fields from my Item
class are applied automatically to the update?
Update update = new Update().fromObject(item);
Note that my pojo does not extend DBObject