I was just testing kill switch flags with a sleeping process.
First i tried killed it with -15
xtechkid@ubuntu:~/Desktop/expermiments$ ps cax | grep 10005
10005 pts/2 S+ 0:00 sh
xtechkid@ubuntu:~/Desktop/expermiments$ kill -15 10005
And the process got terminated
xtechkid@ubuntu:~/Desktop/expermiments$ sh testscript.sh
This is a script which sleeps for few seconds ..
Then i killed it with - 9
xtechkid@ubuntu:~/Desktop/expermiments$ ps -ef | grep testscript.sh
xtechkid 10059 9852 0 13:48 pts/2 00:00:00 sh testscript.sh
xtechkid 10064 10007 0 13:48 pts/4 00:00:00 grep --color=auto testscript.sh
xtechkid@ubuntu:~/Desktop/expermiments$ kill -9 10059
And the process got killed
xtechkid@ubuntu:~/Desktop/expermiments$ sh testscript.sh
This is a script which sleeps for few seconds ..
What is the difference ?