my onActivityResult method is never called. am using android 2.2
I am using a Tabhost, where TabHosts contain TabGroups which contain individual Activities.
One of my individual activity runs the following intent
Intent intent = new Intent();
"Select Picture"), 0);
this loads my gallery apps, I use the default android gallery to select one image and when I return my onActivityResult is not called my activity.
It looks like this - and I put a breakpoint at if(resultCode == 0)
, so right now, the logic of my onActivityResult should not matter
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (resultCode == 0) {
if (requestCode == 0) {
Uri selectedImageUri = data.getData();
//OI FILE Manager
filemanagerstring = selectedImageUri.getPath();
selectedImagePath = getPath(selectedImageUri);
//DEBUG PURPOSE - you can delete this if you want
else System.out.println("selectedImagePath is null");
else System.out.println("filemanagerstring is null");
System.out.println("selectedImagePath is the right one for you!");
System.out.println("filemanagerstring is the right one for you!");
Lifecycle functions are often called out of order and intermittently for Activities within a tabhost/tabgroup, so I checked to see what lifecycle functions ARE being called after the gallery closes (this happens as soon as I select an image from the android gallery)
The only one being called is the onResume()
in my TabHost activity. So I tried putting the exact same onActivityResult()
method in my TabHost class AS WELL AS the TabActivity class. With a breakpoint in the same location at the beginning of method.
Neither of these classes are called.
I'm drawing a blank now, how can I get the result from the gallery app in my app if none of the built in receiving methods will respond to it.
Since I know that my main TabHost gets the onResume()
called, I tried added Intent graphics = getIntent();
to see if it would receive data from the gallery selection, it does not, so I don't see how I can do the logic in the onResume() method either.
Solutions welcome! :)