If you are want the quick and dirty way with CPython (also works for 3.X python):
Install PYWIN32 after you install python http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/
Import the following library:
import odbc
I created the following method for getting the SQL Server odbc driver (it is slightly different in naming depending on your version of Windows, so this will get it regardless):
def getSQLServerDriver():
sqlServerRegExp = re.compile('sql.*server', re.I | re.S)
for i in range(0, 2048):
folder = winreg.EnumKey(key, i)
if sqlServerRegExp.match(folder):
return folder.strip()
except WindowsError:
Note: if you use the above function, you'll need to also import these two libraries: winreg and re
Then you use the odbc API 1 information as defined here: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0248/
Your connection interface string should look something like this (assuming you are using my above method for getting the ODBC driver name, and it is a trusted connection):
dbString = "Driver={SQLDriver};Server=[SQL Server];Database=[Database Name];Trusted_Connection=yes;".replace('{SQLDriver}', '{' + getSQLServerDriver() + '}')
This method has many down sides. It is clumsy because of only supporting ODBC API 1, and there are a couple minor bugs in either the API or the ODBC driver that I've run across, but it does get the job done in all versions of CPython in Windows.