I have configured OpenCV 3.1.0 in Eclipse Mars. These are my configuration,
G++ includes: D:/opencv/build/install/include; GCC includes: D:/opencv/build/install/include
Linker libraries: libopencv_core310, libopencv_highgui310
Linker libraries path: D:/opencv/build/lib (files in this directory are like libopencv_core310.dll.a)
I am getting an error like this,
imageRead.cpp:15: undefined reference to `cv::imread(cv::String const&, int)'
This is my imageRead.cpp file,
#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
Mat img = imread("D:/sample.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
if (img.empty()) {
cout << "Error: Image cannot be loaded." << endl;
return -1;
namedWindow("Image Window", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("Image Window", img);
if (waitKey() == 27) {
return -1;
destroyWindow("Image Window");
return 0;
Can anyone help with this error ?