Using latest Springboot and MapStruct versions and building with Maven, I am trying to implement the "Start Here" example given in the official MapStruct site
My code is even simpler:
public class Car {
private String model;
// Constructors, setters and getters...
public class CarDto {
private String theModel;
// Constructors, setters and getters...
} interface
public interface CarMapper {
CarMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( CarMapper.class );
@Mapping(source = "model", target = "theModel")
CarDto carToCarDto(Car car);
Main application
public class MappertestApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Car c = new Car("Volkswagen");
CarDto cdto = CarMapper.INSTANCE.carToCarDto(c);
All the code is in this public repo:
When running, I am getting this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at com.gallelloit.mappertest.MappertestApplication.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cannot find implementation for com.gallelloit.mappertest.CarMapper
at org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers.getMapper(
at com.gallelloit.mappertest.CarMapper.<clinit>(
... 1 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cannot find implementation for com.gallelloit.mappertest.CarMapper
at org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers.getMapper(
at org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers.getMapper(
... 2 more
I found this issue in the official MapStruct project, which seems to describe the same issue. However, in that case some custom configuration was being performed (custom name of the implementation). In my case everything is left as default.
Any idea?