I found a clean solution for rspec and capybara to test using date and time select methods, where in your HTML you use a datetime select or date select. This works with Rails 4, RSpec 3.1 and Capybara 2.4.4.
Say in your HTML form you have the following:
<%= f.datetime_select(:start_date, {default: DateTime.now, prompt: {day: 'Choose day', month: "Choose month", year: "Choose year"}}, {class: "date-select"}) %>
the DateTime Select View helper will create 5 select fields with ids such as id="modelname_start_date_1i"
, where the id the is appended with 1i, 2i, 3i, 4i, 5i. By default Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute. If you change the order of the fields, make sure to change the feature helper below.
1) Create a Feature Helper for dates and times helpers
module Features
module DateTimeSelectHelpers
def select_date_and_time(date, options = {})
field = options[:from]
select date.strftime('%Y'), :from => "#{field}_1i" #year
select date.strftime('%B'), :from => "#{field}_2i" #month
select date.strftime('%-d'), :from => "#{field}_3i" #day
select date.strftime('%H'), :from => "#{field}_4i" #hour
select date.strftime('%M'), :from => "#{field}_5i" #minute
def select_date(date, options = {})
field = options[:from]
select date.strftime('%Y'), :from => "#{field}_1i" #year
select date.strftime('%B'), :from => "#{field}_2i" #month
select date.strftime('%-d'), :from => "#{field}_3i" #day
Note that for the day I use %-d
that gives you a non-padded numeric value (i.e. 4) instead of %d
that has a zero-padded numeric value (i.e. 04). Check the date formats with strftime
2) You then need to include your date and time helpers methods in spec/support/helpers.rb so you can use them in any spec file.
require 'support/helpers/date_time_select_helpers'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Features::DateTimeSelectHelpers, type: :feature
3) In your Spec file you can call your helper. For example:
feature 'New Post' do
scenario 'Add a post' do
visit new_post_path
fill_in "post[name]", with: "My post"
select_date_and_time(2.days.from_now, from:"post_start_date")
click_button "Submit"
expect(page).to have_content "Your post was successfully saved"