My full C MATE applet can be found at github here: (BRANCH CMAKE). It's a hacky mess right now, so see the code below.
I couldn't find an applet to display my computer's free ram, so that's basically what this is. I am using sysinfo to get this information, and it works fine for my system's total ram (roughly 4GB, it shows 3954 MB). htop shows 3157 MB used of 3954 MB.
However, the value sysinfo gives for free ram (136 MB) is obviously wrong (if free ram is ram that hasn't been allocated or something, I don't know).
This question is the same problem, but the solution, involving mem_unit, doesn't work because mem_unit = 1 on my system.
Here's a minimal program that gives the same values:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
int main() {
/* Conversion constants. */
const long minute = 60;
const long hour = minute * 60;
const long day = hour * 24;
const double megabyte = 1024 * 1024;
/* Obtain system statistics. */
struct sysinfo si;
sysinfo (&si);
/* Summarize interesting values. */
printf ("system uptime : %ld days, %ld:%02ld:%02ld\n",
si.uptime / day, (si.uptime % day) / hour,
(si.uptime % hour) / minute, si.uptime % minute);
printf ("total RAM : %5.1f MB\n", si.totalram / megabyte);
printf ("free RAM : %5.1f MB\n", si.freeram / megabyte);
printf ("mem_unit: : %u\n", si.mem_unit);
printf ("process count : %d\n", si.procs);
return 0;
system uptime : 0 days, 10:25:18
total RAM : 3953.9 MB
free RAM : 162.1 MB
mem_unit: : 1
process count : 531
What's going on here? Is freeram not what I think it is?