I have an eclipse project structure that looks something like this:
project a
project b
All of these projects are Maven projects. Project B is an Eclipse WTP project and contains Project A as a dependency. I'm using the m2eclipse plugin.
When I deploy Project B to Tomcat (all from within Eclipse) it always throws errors saying that it can't find classes from Project A. The only way I can resolve this is to close Project A in Eclipse and do a mvn install command, so at this point Project A is treated like any other dependency.
I would like to not have to keep reopening and then closing Project A every time I make changes to it (which is pretty frequently at this stage).
I have tried adding Project A to Project B's Build Path, however that doesn't seem to do the trick. Again, it only works if I close the project in eclipse so it's treated like a normal maven dependency.
FYI I'm using the Helios version of Eclipse. Project B is a Spring project, so naturally Tomcat falls over when it imports all the beans etc.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks a lot.