I have the following simple hierarchy of two C++ exceptions:
class LIB_EXP ClusterException : public std::exception {
ClusterException() { }
ClusterException(const std::string& what) { init(what); }
virtual const char* what() const throw() { return what_.c_str(); }
virtual ~ClusterException() throw() {}
virtual ClusterException* clone() { return new ClusterException(*this); }
void init(const std::string& what) { what_ = what; }
std::string what_;
class LIB_EXP ClusterExecutionException : public ClusterException {
ClusterExecutionException(const std::string& jsonResponse);
std::string getErrorType() const throw() { return errorType_; }
std::string getClusterResponse() const throw() { return clusterResponse_; }
virtual ~ClusterExecutionException() throw() {}
virtual ClusterExecutionException* clone() { return new ClusterExecutionException(*this); }
std::string errorType_;
std::string clusterResponse_;
I then export them to Python with Boost-Python as follows. Note my use of the bases
to make sure that the inheritance relationship is preserved in the translation:
class_<ClusterException> clusterException("ClusterException", no_init);
clusterException.add_property("message", &ClusterException::what);
clusterExceptionType = clusterException.ptr();
class_<ClusterExecutionException, bases<ClusterException> > clusterExecutionException("ClusterExecutionException", no_init);
clusterExecutionException.add_property("message", &ClusterExecutionException::what)
.add_property("errorType", &ClusterExecutionException::getErrorType)
.add_property("clusterResponse", &ClusterExecutionException::getClusterResponse);
clusterExecutionExceptionType = clusterExecutionException.ptr();
Then the exception translation method:
static PyObject *clusterExceptionType = NULL;
static void translateClusterException(ClusterException const &exception) {
assert(clusterExceptionType != NULL);
boost::python::object pythonExceptionInstance(exception);
PyErr_SetObject(clusterExceptionType, pythonExceptionInstance.ptr());
static PyObject *clusterExecutionExceptionType = NULL;
static void translateClusterExecutionException(ClusterExecutionException const &exception) {
assert(clusterExecutionExceptionType != NULL);
boost::python::object pythonExceptionInstance(exception);
PyErr_SetObject(clusterExecutionExceptionType, pythonExceptionInstance.ptr());
I created the following test C++ function that throws the exceptions:
static void boomTest(int exCase) {
switch (exCase) {
case 0: throw ClusterException("Connection to server failed");
case 1: throw ClusterExecutionException("Error X while executing in the cluster");
default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown exception type");
Finally the Python test code that calls my C++ boomTest
import cluster
from cluster import ClusterException, ClusterExecutionException
def test_exception(exCase):
except ClusterException as ex:
print 'Success! ClusterException gracefully handled:' \
'\n message="%s"' % ex.message
except ClusterExecutionException as ex:
print 'Success! ClusterExecutionException gracefully handled:' \
'\n message="%s"' \
'\n errorType="%s"' \
'\n clusterResponse="%s"' % (ex.message, ex.errorType, ex.clusterResponse)
print 'Caught unknown exception: %s "%s"' % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])
def main():
print '\n************************ throwing ClusterException ***********************************************************************'
print '\n************************ throwing ClusterExecutionException **************************************************************'
print '\n************************ throwing std::runtime_error *********************************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
Up to here it all works. However if I remove the ClusterExecutionException
catch handler from Python then this exception will be caught and fallback to an unknown exception instead of being caught as its base ClusterException
I have tried in Boost-Python while registering the exception translation of ClusterExecutionException
to register it as its base ClusterException
and then it gets caught "polymorphically" but then it won't be caught as a ClusterExecutionException
. How can make it so that ClusterExecutionException
gets caught as both ClusterException
and ClusterExecutionException
? I have tried of course registering this ClusterExecutionException
exception as both ClusterException
and ClusterExecutionException
but it follows a last wins strategy, and only one works not both.
Is there any other way to solve this?
UPDATE 1: The wholy grail of this problem is to find out on the C++ side the type of the except
Python statement e.g. except ClusterException as ex:
which is unknown once inside the C++ side. The exception translate by Boost.Python will call the translate function that corresponds to the dynamic type of the exception and the Python catch static type is not known.
UPDATE 2: As suggested changing the Python code to the following i.e. adding print(type(ex).__bases__)
def test_exception(exCase):
except ClusterException as ex:
print 'Success! ClusterException gracefully handled:' \
'\n message="%s"' % ex.message
except ClusterExecutionException as ex:
print 'Success! ClusterExecutionException gracefully handled:' \
'\n message="%s"' \
'\n errorType="%s"' \
'\n clusterResponse="%s"' % (ex.message, ex.errorType, ex.clusterResponse)
print 'Caught unknown exception: %s "%s"' % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])
and the output:
************************ throwing ClusterException ***********************************************************************
(<type 'Boost.Python.instance'>,)
Success! ClusterException gracefully handled:
message="Connection to server failed"
************************ throwing ClusterExecutionException **************************************************************
(<class 'cluster.ClusterException'>,)
Success! ClusterExecutionException gracefully handled:
message="Error X while executing in the cluster"
clusterResponse="{ "resultStatus": "Error", "errorType": "LifeCycleException", "errorMessage": "Error X while executing in the cluster" }"
Meaning that the inheritance relationship is "seen" from Python. But the polymorphic handling still doesn't work.
UPDATE 3 This is the output of running VS dumpbin.exe
The command I used is:
dumpbin.exe /EXPORTS /SYMBOLS C:\ClusterDK\x64\Debug\ClusterDK.dll > c:\temp\dumpbin.out
and the relevant parts of the output:
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 11.00.50727.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dump of file C:\ClusterDK\x64\Debug\ClusterDK.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following exports for ClusterDK.dll
00000000 characteristics
5A1689DA time date stamp Thu Nov 23 09:42:02 2017
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
78 number of functions
78 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
8 7 00004485 ??0ClusterException@cluster@@QEAA@AEBV01@@Z = @ILT+13440(??0ClusterException@cluster@@QEAA@AEBV01@@Z)
9 8 00001659 ??0ClusterException@cluster@@QEAA@AEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z = @ILT+1620(??0ClusterException@cluster@@QEAA@AEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z)
10 9 00001F1E ??0ClusterException@cluster@@QEAA@XZ = @ILT+3865(??0ClusterException@cluster@@QEAA@XZ)
11 A 00004D4F ??0ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@QEAA@AEBV01@@Z = @ILT+15690(??0ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@QEAA@AEBV01@@Z)
12 B 000010AA ??0ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@QEAA@AEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z = @ILT+165(??0ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@QEAA@AEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z)
27 1A 000035D0 ??1ClusterException@cluster@@UEAA@XZ = @ILT+9675(??1ClusterException@cluster@@UEAA@XZ)
28 1B 00003C7E ??1ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@UEAA@XZ = @ILT+11385(??1ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@UEAA@XZ)
37 24 00002BD5 ??4ClusterException@cluster@@QEAAAEAV01@AEBV01@@Z = @ILT+7120(??4ClusterException@cluster@@QEAAAEAV01@AEBV01@@Z)
38 25 000034D1 ??4ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@QEAAAEAV01@AEBV01@@Z = @ILT+9420(??4ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@QEAAAEAV01@AEBV01@@Z)
46 2D 000D2220 ??_7ClusterException@cluster@@6B@ = ??_7ClusterException@cluster@@6B@ (const cluster::ClusterException::`vftable')
47 2E 000D2248 ??_7ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@6B@ = ??_7ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@6B@ (const cluster::ClusterExecutionException::`vftable')
52 33 00004BB5 ?clone@ClusterException@cluster@@UEAAPEAV12@XZ = @ILT+15280(?clone@ClusterException@cluster@@UEAAPEAV12@XZ)
53 34 00004D31 ?clone@ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@UEAAPEAV12@XZ = @ILT+15660(?clone@ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@UEAAPEAV12@XZ)
61 3C 00001D43 ?getErrorType@ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@QEBA?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@XZ = @ILT+3390(?getErrorType@ClusterExecutionException@cluster@@QEBA?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@XZ)
69 44 0000480E ?init@ClusterException@cluster@@IEAAXAEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z = @ILT+14345(?init@ClusterException@cluster@@IEAAXAEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z)
78 4D 000032FB ?what@ClusterException@cluster@@UEBAPEBDXZ = @ILT+8950(?what@ClusterException@cluster@@UEBAPEBDXZ)
4000 .data
5000 .idata
12000 .pdata
54000 .rdata
2000 .reloc
1000 .rsrc
C9000 .text
1000 .tls
except ClusterExecutionException as ex: ...
, could you verify the base class of the exception you get? e.g.except Exception as e: print(type(e).__bases__)
– MedfordClusterExecutionException
, have you tried catching the exceptionexcept cluster.ClusterException as ex:
? – Medfordexcept cluster.ClusterException as ex:
, unfortunately it is the same same if the translate from C++ maps to the dynamic type of the derivedClusterExecutionException
then it won't be caught asClusterException
– Kandicluster.ClusterException
is caught. If the answer is yes, you could catch both exceptions in the same clause withexcept (ClusterException, cluster.ClusterException) as e:
– Medfordcluster.ClusterExecutionException
then the Pythoncluster.ClusterException
handler will not catch it. The only way it is caught is when I explicitly translate on Boost.Python C++ side acluster.ClusterExecutionException
to acluster.ClusterException
but then it won't be caught ascluster.ClusterExecutionException
– Kandiclone()
required by the Boost translation mechanism, or have you added it for other reasons? – Westingclone()
is implemented not because of the Boost translation. I do not think that Boost cares about or uses it. It is introduced because of the architecture of the Cluster client implementation. Exceptions are raised and caught in a thread different than the one that interfaces with Python and therefore the cloning to be able to propagate it to a different thread without it going out of scope. – Kandiptr()
but if is not related to Boost, this is not the case... – Westing