If you have <path to test project>/build.xml
file rename it.
I was able to generate test coverage report by executing following from the console:
<path to android tools>android update test-project -m <path to app project> -p <path to test project>
+ Enter,
cd <path to test project>
+ Enter,
ant emma debug install test
+ Enter,
where <path to android tools>
is /opt/android-sdk-linux/tools/
on my machine - the folder where android SDK is installed.
This generated <path to test project>/bin/coverage.html
If you get "wrong JAVA_HOME" error execute gksu gedit /etc/environment
+ Enter, correct JAVA_HOME
, save the file, log out or reboot and try again.
Source: http://blog.rabidgremlin.com/2010/11/19/android-tips-generating-a-coverage-report-for-your-unit-tests/