Environment: Windows 7 OS RStudio Version 0.99.491
I have been programming in R for about 4 months via the Coursera Data Science curriculum, but I have NEVER been successful in using the unzip function.
I've looked at the forums for hours for potential solutions, syntax problems, undefined arguments, etc., but to no avail. I eventually unzip the contents manually and proceed with the assignment, but I am tired of not knowing why it is not working.
Here are a few examples of the error:
fileName <- "StormData.zip"
unzip(fileName, exdir = mainDir,subDir)
Warning message: In unzip(fileName, exdir = mainDir, subDir) : error 1 in extracting from zip file
Warning message: In unzip(fileName) : error 1 in extracting from zip file
unzip(fileName, "stormdata.csv")
Warning message: In unzip(fileName, "stormdata.csv") : error 1 in extracting from zip file
unzip(fileName, "stormdata.csv", list = TRUE)
Error in unzip(fileName, "stormdata.csv", list = TRUE) : zip file 'StormData.zip' cannot be opened
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.