What about using a macro with e.g. the following code?
• TransformingPaste1()
: however, this fails on my machine (still multiple cells)
- gets the clipboard text
- pastes a transformed version using
- restores the original clipboard text
• TransformingPaste2()
: pastes in single cell on my machine, keeping the formatting etc., but results in a space rather than a newline because you're still pasting HTML
- gets the clipboard text
- pastes a transformed version using
- restores the original clipboard text
• TransformingPaste3()
: pastes in single cell on my machine, with a newline, but loses the formatting etc. (current implementation) – see note with link!
- gets the clipboard text
- pastes a transformed version using a self-defined token
- restores the original clipboard text
- post-processes the cells, replacing the token by newlines – might be improved…
Modify to what best suits your needs, e.g. using regex to perform the replacements, but I hope this gets you on your way :]
Function GetClipboardText() As String
Dim BufObj As MSForms.DataObject
Set BufObj = New MSForms.DataObject
GetClipboardText = BufObj.GetText
End Function
Function SetClipboardText(ByRef text As String)
Dim BufObj As MSForms.DataObject
Set BufObj = New MSForms.DataObject
BufObj.SetText text
End Function
Function PreProcess(ByRef text As String, ByRef find As String, ByRef replace As String) As String
PreProcess = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(text, find, replace)
End Function
Function PostProcess(ByRef find As String, ByRef replace As String)
Dim rCell As range
For Each rCell In Selection
'TODO: e.g. combine with answers from https://mcmap.net/q/583289/-merge-contents-of-2-excel-cells-keeping-character-format-intact-using-vba
rCell.Formula = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(rCell.Formula, find, replace)
End Function
Sub TransformingPaste1()
Dim OrigText As String
Dim TempToken As String
Dim PasteText As String
Dim sSelAdd As String
OrigText = GetClipboardText
PasteText = PreProcess(OrigText, "<html>", "<html><style>br{mso-data-placement:same-cell;}</style>")
SetClipboardText PasteText
'Selection.PasteSpecial "Unicode Text"
SetClipboardText OrigText
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Sub TransformingPaste2()
Dim OrigText As String
Dim TempToken As String
Dim PasteText As String
Dim sSelAdd As String
OrigText = GetClipboardText
PasteText = PreProcess(OrigText, "<br>", vbCrLf)
SetClipboardText PasteText
SetClipboardText OrigText
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Sub TransformingPaste3()
Dim OrigText As String
Dim TempToken As String
Dim PasteText As String
Dim sSelAdd As String
OrigText = GetClipboardText
TempToken = "#mybr#"
PasteText = PreProcess(OrigText, "<br>", TempToken)
SetClipboardText PasteText
SetClipboardText OrigText
PostProcess TempToken, vbLf
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub