It seems there is a way that works, even for return types, at least with TypeScript v 4.02 using an interim class.
But this is breaking Liskov substitution principle since it changes the return type and is not handling the case where the parameter is a string.
So it worths being mentioned just for the sake of knowledge, but in a code review I would not accept this hack, since a subclass should be able to replace the base class without breaking the functionality.
class Base {
public myMethod(myString: string): string {
return myString + myString;
// weaken
// inspired by comment here:
class Interim extends Base {
public myMethod(x: any): any { return super.myMethod(x); }
class Child extends Interim {
public myMethod(myNumber: number): number {
return myNumber * myNumber;
// we can have a helper/utility for this
function weaken(klass: { new(...args: any[]): any; }, key: string) {
return class extends klass {
[key](...args: any[]) { super[key](...args); }
class ChildOther extends weaken(Base, 'myMethod') {
public myMethod(myNumber: number): number {
return myNumber * myNumber;
console.log((new Child()) instanceof Base); // true
console.log((new ChildOther()) instanceof Base); // true
console.log(new Base().myMethod('str')); // strstr
console.log(new Child().myMethod(3)); // 9
console.log(new ChildOther().myMethod(3)); // 9