Update - Apr. 24, 2023:
I Just rewrote my Base45 Library to be compliant with RFC-9285 Base45 Standard, and it is no longer dependent upon ZXing. The code in this answer is old; the repo uses a more efficient algorithm, which results in much simpler code, and it improved the storage efficiency loss down to only 3% behind raw binary.
See: v2.1.0 https://github.com/yurelle/Base45Encoder
Update - Nov. 13, 2021:
I recently went back and published the referenced code as a project on GitHub for anyone who wants to use it.
This is a bit necro, but I just hit this problem, and figured out a solution.
The problem with reading QR Codes with ZXING is that it assumes all QR Payloads are Strings. If you're willing to generate the QR Code in java with ZXING, I developed a solution which enables storing a binary payload in ZXING QR Codes with a storage efficiently loss of only -8%; better than the 33% inflation from Base64.
It exploits an internal compression optimization of the ZXING library based around pure Alphanum Strings. If you want a full explanation, with math and Unit Tests, check out my other answer.
But the short answer is this:
I implemented it as a self-contained static utility class, so all you have to do is call:
final byte[] myBinaryData = ...;
final String encodedStr = BinaryToBase45Encoder.encodeToBase45QrPayload(myBinaryData);
final byte[] decodedBytes = BinaryToBase45Encoder.decodeBase45QrPayload(encodedStr);
Alternatively, you can also do it via InputStreams:
final InputStream in_1 = ... ;
final String encodedStr = BinaryToBase45Encoder.encodeToBase45QrPayload(in_1);
final InputStream in_2 = ... ;
final byte[] decodedBytes = BinaryToBase45Encoder.decodeBase45QrPayload(in_2);
Here's the implementation
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
* For some reason none of the Java QR Code libraries support binary payloads. At least, none that
* I could find anyway. The commonly suggested workaround for this is to use Base64 encoding.
* However, this results in a 33% payload size inflation. If your payload is already near the size
* limit of QR codes, this is a lot.
* This class implements an encoder which takes advantage of a built-in compression optimization
* of the ZXING QR Code library, to enable the storage of Binary data into a QR Code, with a
* storage efficiency loss of only -8%.
* The built-in optimization is this: ZXING will automatically detect if your String payload is
* purely AlphaNumeric (by their own definition), and if so, it will automatically compress 2
* AlphaNumeric characters into 11 bits.
* ----------------------
* The included ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE is the conversion table used by the ZXING library as a reverse
* index for determining if a given input data should be classified as alphanumeric.
* See:
* com.google.zxing.qrcode.encoder.Encoder.chooseMode(String content, String encoding)
* which scans through the input string one character at a time and passes them to:
* getAlphanumericCode(int code)
* in the same class, which uses that character as a numeric index into the the
* If you examine the values, you'll notice that it ignores / disqualifies certain values, and
* effectively converts the input into base 45 (0 -> 44; -1 is interpreted by the calling code
* to mean a failure). This is confirmed in the function:
* appendAlphanumericBytes(CharSequence content, BitArray bits)
* where they pack 2 of these base 45 digits into 11 bits. This presents us with an opportunity.
* If we can take our data, and convert it into a compatible base 45 alphanumeric representation,
* then the QR Encoder will automatically pack that data into sub-byte chunks.
* 2 digits in base 45 is 2,025 possible values. 11 bits has a maximum storage capacity of 2,048
* possible states. This is only a loss of 1.1% in storage efficiency behind raw binary.
* 45 ^ 2 = 2,025
* 2 ^ 11 = 2,048
* 2,048 - 2,025 = 23
* 23 / 2,048 = 0.01123046875 = 1.123%
* However, this is the ideal / theoretical efficiency. This implementation processes data in
* chunks, using a Long as a computational buffer. However, since Java Long's are singed, we
* can only use the lower 7 bytes. The conversion code requires continuously positive values;
* using the highest 8th byte would contaminate the sign bit and randomly produce negative
* values.
* Real-World Test:
* Using a 7 byte Long to encode a 2KB buffer of random bytes, we get the following results.
* Raw Binary Size: 2,048
* Encoded String Size: 3,218
* QR Code Alphanum Size: 2,213 (after the QR Code compresses 2 base45 digits to 11 bits)
* This is a real-world storage efficiency loss of only 8%.
* 2,213 - 2,048 = 165
* 165 / 2,048 = 0.08056640625 = 8.0566%
public class BinaryToBase45Encoder {
public final static int[] ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE;
* You could probably just copy & paste the array literal from the ZXING source code; it's only
* an array definition. But I was unsure of the licensing issues with posting it on the internet,
* so I did it this way.
static {
int[] tmp;
//Copy lookup table from ZXING Encoder class
try {
SOURCE_ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE = com.google.zxing.qrcode.encoder.Encoder.class.getDeclaredField("ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE");
tmp = (int[]) SOURCE_ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE.get(null);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
e.printStackTrace();//Shouldn't happen
tmp = null;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
e.printStackTrace();//Shouldn't happen
tmp = null;
public static final int NUM_DISTINCT_ALPHANUM_VALUES = 45;
public static final char[] alphaNumReverseIndex = new char[NUM_DISTINCT_ALPHANUM_VALUES];
static {
//Build AlphaNum Index
final int len = ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE.length;
for (int x = 0; x < len; x++) {
// The base45 result which the alphanum lookup table produces.
// i.e. the base45 digit value which String characters are
// converted into.
// We use this value to build a reverse lookup table to find
// the String character we have to send to the encoder, to
// make it produce the given base45 digit value.
final int base45DigitValue = ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE[x];
//Ignore the -1 records
if (base45DigitValue > -1) {
//The index into the lookup table which produces the given base45 digit value.
//i.e. to produce a base45 digit with the numeric value in base45DigitValue, we need
//to send the Encoder a String character with the numeric value in x.
alphaNumReverseIndex[base45DigitValue] = (char) x;
* The storage capacity of one digit in the number system; i.e. the maximum
* possible number of distinct values which can be stored in 1 logical digit
* We can't use all 8 bytes, because the Long is signed, and the conversion math
* requires consistently positive values. If we populated all 8 bytes, then the
* last byte has the potential to contaminate the sign bit, and break the
* conversion math. So, we only use the lower 7 bytes, and avoid this problem.
public static final int LONG_USABLE_BYTES = Long.BYTES - 1;
//The following mapping was determined by brute-forcing -1 Long (all bits 1), and compressing to base45 until it hit zero.
public static final int[] BINARY_TO_BASE45_DIGIT_COUNT_CONVERSION = new int[] {0,2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12};
public static final Map<Integer, Integer> BASE45_TO_BINARY_DIGIT_COUNT_CONVERSION = new HashMap<>();
static {
//Build Reverse Lookup
for (int x=0; x<len; x++) {
public static String encodeToBase45QrPayload(final byte[] inputData) throws IOException {
return encodeToBase45QrPayload(new ByteArrayInputStream(inputData));
public static String encodeToBase45QrPayload(final InputStream in) throws IOException {
//Init conversion state vars
final StringBuilder strOut = new StringBuilder();
int data;
long buf = 0;
// Process all input data in chunks of size LONG.BYTES, this allows for economies of scale
// so we can process more digits of arbitrary size before we hit the wall of the binary
// chunk size in a power of 2, and have to transmit a sub-optimal chunk of the "crumbs"
// left over; i.e. the slack space between where the multiples of QR_PAYLOAD_NUMERIC_BASE
// and the powers of 2 don't quite line up.
while(in.available() > 0) {
//Fill buffer
int numBytesStored = 0;
while (numBytesStored < LONG_USABLE_BYTES && in.available() > 0) {
//Read next byte
data = in.read();
//Push byte into buffer
buf = (buf << 8) | data; //8 bits per byte
//Write out in lower base
final StringBuilder outputChunkBuffer = new StringBuilder();
final int numBase45Digits = BINARY_TO_BASE45_DIGIT_COUNT_CONVERSION[numBytesStored];
int numB45DigitsProcessed = 0;
while(numB45DigitsProcessed < numBase45Digits) {
//Chunk out a digit
final byte digit = (byte) (buf % QR_PAYLOAD_NUMERIC_BASE);
//Drop digit data from buffer
//Write Digit
outputChunkBuffer.append(alphaNumReverseIndex[(int) digit]);
//Track output digits
* The way this code works, the processing output results in a First-In-Last-Out digit
* reversal. So, we need to buffer the chunk output, and feed it to the OutputStream
* backwards to correct this.
* We could probably get away with writing the bytes out in inverted order, and then
* flipping them back on the decode side, but just to be safe, I'm always keeping
* them in the proper order.
return strOut.toString();
public static byte[] decodeBase45QrPayload(final String inputStr) throws IOException {
//Prep for InputStream
final byte[] buf = inputStr.getBytes();//Use the default encoding (the same encoding that the 'char' primitive uses)
return decodeBase45QrPayload(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
public static byte[] decodeBase45QrPayload(final InputStream in) throws IOException {
//Init conversion state vars
final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int data;
long buf = 0;
int x=0;
// Process all input data in chunks of size LONG.BYTES, this allows for economies of scale
// so we can process more digits of arbitrary size before we hit the wall of the binary
// chunk size in a power of 2, and have to transmit a sub-optimal chunk of the "crumbs"
// left over; i.e. the slack space between where the multiples of QR_PAYLOAD_NUMERIC_BASE
// and the powers of 2 don't quite line up.
while(in.available() > 0) {
//Convert & Fill Buffer
int numB45Digits = 0;
while (numB45Digits < NUM_BASE45_DIGITS_PER_LONG && in.available() > 0) {
//Read in next char
char c = (char) in.read();
//Translate back through lookup table
int digit = ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE[(int) c];
//Shift buffer up one digit to make room
//Append next digit
buf += digit;
//Write out in higher base
final LinkedList<Byte> outputChunkBuffer = new LinkedList<>();
final int numBytes = BASE45_TO_BINARY_DIGIT_COUNT_CONVERSION.get(numB45Digits);
int numBytesProcessed = 0;
while(numBytesProcessed < numBytes) {
//Chunk out 1 byte
final byte chunk = (byte) buf;
//Shift buffer to next byte
buf = buf >> 8; //8 bits per byte
//Write byte to output
//Again, we need to invert the order of the bytes, so as we chunk them off, push
//them onto a FILO stack; inverting their order.
//Write chunk buffer to output stream (in reverse order)
while (outputChunkBuffer.size() > 0) {
return out.toByteArray();
binary mode
) so your input clearly should work, but the output would require you to code it yourself. Like Binary2Hex.. – Capwell00
byte will cut-off rigth away and will not generate those QR code. Many have sad that it could not be read, but i say yea that those qr codes could not be created on the first place – Ingot