I'm trying to test that a component updates as it should due to changes in an input element. I use the fireEvent.change()
-function, and if I then check the value of the node I found using getByPlaceholderText
it has updated as it should. However I cannot see the changes in the react component itself.
This might be because the changes don't happen until a rerender; how would I test this? react-testing-library's rerender
appears to start the component "from scratch" (i.e. without the new input value), and waitForElement
never finds what it's waiting for.
Here's the component TestForm.js:
import React from 'react';
import { withState } from 'recompose';
const initialInputValue = 'initialInputValue';
const TestForm = ({ inputValue, setInputValue }) => (
{console.log('inputValue', inputValue)}
<input value={inputValue} onChange={(e) => setInputValue(e.target.value)} placeholder="placeholder" />
{inputValue !== initialInputValue && <div>Input has changed</div>}
export default withState('inputValue', 'setInputValue', initialInputValue)(TestForm);
And here's the test, run using npx jest test.js
import React from 'react';
import { cleanup, fireEvent, render, waitForElement } from 'react-testing-library';
import TestForm from './TestForm';
describe('TestForm', () => {
it('Change input', async () => {
const { getByPlaceholderText, getByText } = render(<TestForm />);
const inputNode = getByPlaceholderText('placeholder');
fireEvent.change(inputNode, { target: { value: 'new value' } });
console.log('inputNode.value', inputNode.value);
await waitForElement(() => getByText('Input has changed'));