For my day job, I live in Emacs. Utterly. I also have become pretty dependent on CScope to help me find things in the code.
Normally, I have 2 windows in a split (C-x 3): alt text
And I use the right window for code buffers and the left window for the CScope search buffer. When you do a CScope search and select a result, it automatically updates the right-side window to show the buffer referred to by the result. This is all well and good, except that it causes me to lose my place in some other buffer that I was studying. Sometimes this is no biggie, because [C-s u] gets me back to where I was.
What would be better, though, is to have 3 split windows like this ([C-x 2] in the left window): alt text
And have the bottom left window contain the CScope search buffer, and the top left window be the only buffer that CScope ever updates. That way, I can see my CScope searches and navigate around the code without losing the buffer I'm focused on.
Anyone know how I can do that?