I am trying to run a script that tries to install modules on a centos7 system via puppet management. I want to implement a progress bar for the installation that happens along while running the script. I am using tqdm module to do this. this is a snap of how i have implemented the module:
from tqdm import tqdm
for i in tqdm(commands):
res = run_apply(i)
Here run_apply() is the function that actually handles running and applying the puppet configuration.
So far so good, i get a progress bar but it keeps moving down the console as and when execution messages are written to the console. But, i need the progress bar to stay constant at the bottom of the console and get updated dynamically without the run messages interfering with the bar. I want the execution related messages on the console to go on as they want but the progress bar should just stay there at the bottom from start to the end of the execution.
Below is what i am seeing:
File line: 0.00
Package: 0.05
Service: 0.19
File: 0.23
Exec: 0.23
Last run: 1470308227
Config retrieval: 3.90
Total: 4.60
Config: 1470308220
Puppet: 3.7.3
now here x
result: 2
38%|█████████████████████████████████████▋ | 5/13 [00:29<00:51, 6.44s/it]about to: profiles::install::download_packages
about to run puppet apply --summarize --detailed-exitcodes --certname puppet -e "include profiles::install::download_packages"
Error: Could not find class profiles::install::download_packages for puppet on node puppet
Error: Could not find class profiles::install::download_packages for puppet on node puppet
now here x
result: 1
46%|█████████████████████████████████████████████▏ | 6/13 [00:32<00:36, 5.27s/it]about to: profiles::install::install
about to run puppet apply --summarize --detailed-exitcodes --certname puppet -e "include profiles::install::install"
Error: Could not find class profiles::install::install for puppet on node puppet
Error: Could not find class profiles::install::install for puppet on node puppet
now here x
result: 1
54%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████▊ | 7/13 [00:34<00:26, 4.45s/it]about to: stx_network
about to run puppet apply --summarize --detailed-exitcodes --certname puppet -e "include stx_network"
Notice: Compiled catalog for puppet in environment production in 0.84 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Stx_network/Tidy[purge unused nics]: Tidying File[/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo]
Please let me know how i can achieve what i want.