I want to rotate marker as per bearing or sensor value received from Accelerometer to show the user where actually he is moving. I have set marker icon and flat value to true but its not working as required.
mCurrentLocationMarker.position(new LatLng(
LocationUtils.sLatitude, LocationUtils.sLongitude));
if (currentMarker != null) {
currentMarker.setPosition(new LatLng(
} else {
currentMarker = mGoogleMap
I have used this as marker.
I don't know why its not rotating as per user's direction. If anyone has any idea please kindly help me where i am making mistake.
LocationUtils.sBearing is the value of Bearing which i received from onLocationChanged or accelerometer.
Basically I want to make my marker same as google maps marker which shows user in which direction they are moving or turning.