I am learning to use getline in C programming and tried the codes from http://crasseux.com/books/ctutorial/getline.html
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int atgc, char *argv[])
int bytes_read = 1;
int nbytes = 10;
char *my_string;
my_string = (char *)malloc(nbytes+1);
puts("Please enter a line of text");
bytes_read = getline(&my_string, &nbytes, stdin);
if (bytes_read == -1)
puts ("ERROR!");
puts ("You typed:");
puts (my_string);
return 0;
However, the problem is that the compiler keeps returning errors of this: undefined reference to 'getline'. Could you please tell me what the problem is? Thank you!
I am using Win7 64bit + Eclipse Indigo + MinGW
? – Michaelmichaela