I just updated Xcode from version 4.6.2 to 5.0, and after doing a method in my project (created in Xcode 4.6.2) is suddenly giving a compiler warning. I have tried re-opening the project in both the old and new versions of Xcode, and I have confirmed that the same method gives no warnings in 4.6.2.
Here is the line of code eliciting the warning in Xcode 5.0:
CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, frame.size.width * scaleFactor, frame.size.height * scaleFactor, 8, frame.size.width * scaleFactor * 4, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
And the warning says:
"Implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum CGImageAlphaInfo' to different enumeration type 'CGBitMapInfo' (aka 'enum CGBitMapInfo')"
It does not appear to be a deprecation warning, but I am not quite familiar enough with these classes to interpret the meaning or know how to resolve it. Any help is appreciated.
. – Minny