I am generating config files and I want them to be indented just so. I started with a Jinja2 template that rendered correctly when called from a simple python program. When I call it from ansible, I will get 2 extra spaces on all but the first line of the loop. Generating things like YAML and python has been a real pain. I have taken to putting a comment line as the first line of a for block to fix this...
Here is a really simple example of a YAML generator:
playbook call:
- name: generate bgp vars file, put in includes directory
local_action: template src={{ role_dir }}/templates/bgp_vars.j2 dest={{ incvar_dir }}/bgp_vars.yaml
run_once: true
section of template:
{% for dc in SH_dcs %}
# dc is "{{ dc }}"
{{ dc }}:
{% for host in groups[bgpgroupname] if dc == hostvars[host].MYDC %}
- "{{ hostvars[host].MAIN_MYADDR }}"
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
rendered output:
# dc is "pnp"
- ""
- ""
# dc is "sgs"
- ""
- ""
# dc is "cst"
- ""
- ""
# dc is "dse"
- ""
- ""
Notice how the dc is "pnp" comment is not indented as it is shown in the template, but sgs,cst and dse comments are indented by 2 spaces. All of the array lines of ip addresses are also indented. I have tried various versions of adding "-" to the "%" things as Jinja2 describes, but none have given consistent correct results.
Others must have seen this before. I'm running on CentOS7.