I'm trying to set wrap text. But when i using wrap text row doesn't change height automatically. How can I set auto-height row?
You need to look at the RowDimension
object for the relevant row, specifically the height attribute:
rd = ws.row_dimensions[3] # get dimension for row 3
rd.height = 25 # value in points, there is no "auto"
You can use row_dimensions or column_dimensions property to set height or width:
# set the height of the row
sheet.row_dimensions[1].height = 20
# set the width of the column
sheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 20
Try like this, its work for me:
from math import ceil
factor_of_font_size_to_width = {
# TODO: other sizes
12: {
"factor": 0.8, # width / count of symbols at row
"height": 16
def get_height_for_row(sheet, row_number, font_size=12):
font_params = factor_of_font_size_to_width[font_size]
row = list(sheet.rows)[row_number]
height = font_params["height"]
for cell in row:
words_count_at_one_row = sheet.column_dimensions[cell.column_letter].width / font_params["factor"]
lines = ceil(len(str(cell.value)) / words_count_at_one_row)
height = max(height, lines * font_params["height"])
return height
for i in range(0, sheet.max_row):
# [i + 1] - because the lines are numbered starting at 1
sheet.row_dimensions[i + 1].height = get_height_for_row(sheet, i)
If your data stored in DataFrame, I would recommend you to use StyleFrame. It automatically auto-adjust columns width and rows height and also have some nice features.
col_width = []
for i in range(len(next(ws.iter_rows()))):
col_letter = get_column_letter(i + 1)
minimum_width = 20
current_width = ws.column_dimensions[col_letter].width
if not current_width or current_width < minimum_width:
ws.column_dimensions[col_letter].width = minimum_width
for i, row in enumerate(ws):
default_height = 12.5 # Corresponding to font size 12
multiples_of_font_size = [default_height]
for j, cell in enumerate(row):
wrap_text = True
vertical = "top"
if cell.value is not None:
mul = 0
for v in str(cell.value).split('\n'):
mul += math.ceil(len(v) / col_width[j]) * cell.font.size
if mul > 0:
cell.alignment = Alignment(wrap_text=wrap_text, vertical=vertical)
original_height = ws.row_dimensions[i + 1].height
if original_height is None:
original_height = default_height
new_height = max(multiples_of_font_size)
if original_height < new_height:
ws.row_dimensions[i + 1].height = new_height
It's not perfect though. If you want better, you might have to use either monospace fonts or pillow
You can just set row height to None. If you do that, then within the .xlsx file's x1/worksheets/sheet.xml file the row element will have no explicit value set for row height. Excel will then automatically adjust the row height based on the content.
#Autofit the row height
sheet.row_dimensions[1].height = None
You can easily do the following steps to auto-height Excel row with openpyxl.
For cell by which you want to auto-height by its content (or for each of cells in the row):
cell.alignment = Alignment(wrap_text=True)
Then for your row:
worksheet.row_dimensions[row_num].height = None
Doing that way you'll achieve the same behaviour like using "AutoHeight" in Excel.
For me setting height to None does not work, since I am not using MS Excel, so I built an extension of the Егор Зенкин answer. It is respecting merged cells and multiline cells as well!
def set_row_auto_height(wb: openpyxl.Workbook):
"""Set auto row height for the whole excel file."""
sheets = wb.sheetnames
for sheet in sheets:
for row_idx in range(0, wb[sheet].max_row):
wb[sheet].row_dimensions[row_idx + 1].height = _get_height_for_row(wb[sheet], row_idx)
return wb
def _get_column_width_by_cell(sheet: Worksheet, cell: Cell):
"""Returns width of the column. Calculates merged cells as well."""
if cell.coordinate not in sheet.merged_cells:
return sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(cell.column)].width
ranges = [range_ for range_ in sheet.merged_cells.ranges if cell.coordinate in range_]
if not ranges:
return sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(cell.column)].width
range_ = ranges[0]
return sum(sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col[1])].width for col in range_.top)
def _get_height_for_row(sheet: Worksheet, row_number: int, font_size: int = 12):
"""Returns height for row, respecting merge columns and multiline cell values."""
font_params = factor_of_font_size_to_width[font_size]
row = list(sheet.rows)[row_number]
height = font_params["height"]
max_height = 0
for cell in row:
words_count_at_one_row = _get_column_width_by_cell(sheet, cell) / font_params["factor"]
# Calculating amount of lines
lines = ceil(len(str(cell.value)) / words_count_at_one_row)
new_lines = len(str(cell.value).split("\n"))
# If amount of characters is low, but it is multiline cell
# we should count that as well
lines = max(lines, new_lines)
height = max(height, lines * font_params["height"])
max_height = max(max_height, height)
return height
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for merged cells? – Hutchings