imagine situation when you have some Observable
that contains data that changes in real time, example below...
interface User {
name: string;
projectId: string;
dataThatChangesALotInRealTime: Object;
userData: Observable<User>
This userData
observable is used in component to show some data that changes in real time. e.g.
{{ (userData | async)?.dataThatChangesALotInRealTime }}
Now I want to insert some data to database according to current data in userData
observable. Here is the function
addToDatabase() {
let sub = this.userData.subscribe(data => {
.add({ test: 'hello'})
sub.unsubscribe() // <- This
Is this a correct solution to unsubscribe inside subscription to avoid multiple insertion into database? Is there a different/better way to do this?
This is just minimalistic example, if you have some questions or my explanation is poor, let me know in comments and I will update my question. Thank you
observable. i still want to show data in component and maybe fire the functionaddToDatabase()
multiple times... – Edina