I have no Java experience and I have an issue with elasticsearch painless script language. (the name painless it's not well chosen).
For the following code I get the error:
{"lang": "painless",
"inline": "float price = doc['newPrice'] > 0.0 ? doc['price'] / doc['newPrice'] : 0; _score * params.constant * price",
"params": {"constant": 1.2}}}}
Cannot apply [>] operation to types [org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.ScriptDocValues.Doubles] and [java.lang.Double].
I tied to cast it as float with (float) doc['newPrice'] > 0 with the same error.
Then I changed to "Double price = ((Double)doc['discountPrice'] > 0.0) ? doc['price'] / doc['discountPrice'] : 0; _score * params.constant * price",
And received:
'Cannot cast from [Double] to [double].'
Can somebody help me, tried lots of variations with similar kind of errors. Damn painless language...