I’m trying to add and remove a 'key:value' from a JSON object using jq. I’m new using jq and I do not understand the errors that jq is throwing at me, so any help pushing me in the correct direction is greatly appreciated. My specific issue is I have a JSON object (below) and I want to be able to add/remove the “maxHeight” key/value from the JSON object.
Some commands I’ve tried with the errors I get…
jq 'recurse(.[]) |= del(.maxHeight)' new.json
Cannot iterate over null (null)
jq 'recurse(.[]) |= {maxHeight}' new.json
Cannot iterate over string ("feature")
jq 'recurse(.[]) |= .maxHeight' new.json
Cannot index string with string "style"
new.json file looks like this...
"style": {
"className": "feature",
"showLabels": false,
"color": "function(feature, variableName, glyphObject, track){if(feature.get(\"type\") === \"CDS\"){return \"#9CFBF5\";} else if(feature.get(\"type\") === \"exon\"){return \"#43A47F\";} else if(feature.get(\"type\") === \"intron\"){return \"#E8E8E8\";} else if(feature.get(\"type\") === \"five_prime_UTR\"){return \"#F192FE\";} else if(feature.get(\"type\") === \"three_prime_UTR\"){return \"#FEC892\";} else {return \"#FF0000\";}}",
"arrowheadClass": null,
"featureCss": "padding:3px;"
"menuTemplate": [
"label": "View details"
"label": "Highlight a gene"
"iconClass": "dijitIconBookmark",
"content": "function(track,feature,div) { window.parent.angular.element(window.frameElement).scope().specificNote( feature[2] ) }",
"action": "contentDialog",
"title": "(feature{name})",
"label": "Create Note"
"hooks": {
"modify": " function(track,feature,div){ var checkArr=[\"Reference\",\"Missing\",\"Heterozygous\",\"NonReference\"];for(var i=0;i<feature.length;i++){for(var j=0;j<checkArr.length;j++){ if( i>3) { if( feature[i] === checkArr[j] ) { if(feature[i]==\"NonReference\"){div.style.backgroundColor=\"red\"}else if(feature[i]==\"Reference\"){div.style.backgroundColor=\"green\"}else if(feature[i]==\"Heterozygous\"){div.style.backgroundColor=\"orange\"}else if(feature[i]==\"Missing\"){div.style.backgroundColor=\"grey\"} }}}}} "
"key": "cucumber_ChineseLong_v2.gff3",
"storeClass": "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList",
"trackType": null,
"maxHeight": "200px",
"urlTemplate": "tracks/cucumber_ChineseLong_v2.gff3/{refseq}/trackData.json",
"compress": 0,
"label": "cucumber_ChineseLong_v2.gff3",
"type": "JBrowse/View/Track/CanvasFeatures"
echo '{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }' | jq 'del(.a)' >output.json
orecho '{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }' >input.json; jq 'del(.a)' input.json >output.json
orecho '{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }' >input.json; jq 'del(.a)' input.json | sponge input.json
– Within