I'm having trouble to append data to an existing file in HDFS. I want that if the file exists then append a line, if not, create a new file with the name given.
Here's my method to write into HDFS.
if (!file.exists(path)){
FSDataOutputStream fileOutputStream = file.append(path);
BufferedWriter br = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream));
br.append("Content: " + content + "\n");
Actually this method writes into HDFS and create a file but as I mention is not appending.
This is how I test my method:
RunTimeCalculationHdfsWrite.hdfsWriteFile("RunTimeParserLoaderMapperTest2", "Error message test 2.2", context, null);
The first param is the name of the file, the second the message and the other two params are not important.
So anyone have an idea what I'm missing or doing wrong?
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? – Kahle