This IS the best way to handle all images and icons in a JAR App.
Once you've zipped up all of your images and icons into its own JAR file - Configure your build path by adding the images JAR file into your libraries tab so that its now included in your classpath.
Then simply use the following 3x lines of code at the start of your constuctor to access any image you need for anything including a SystemTray image which doesn't accept the simple ImageIcon's as its main icon (weird I know). The 3x lines are:
URL iconUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/image-iconb.png");
Toolkit tk = this.getToolkit();
someimgicon = tk.getImage(iconUrl);
(someimgicon is just a constructor declared Image variable)
Now you can set a window icon as simply as:
and at the same time use the same variable when setting the System TrayIcon by declaring:
trayIcon = new TrayIcon(someimgicon, "SystemTray Demo", popupMenu);
The above allows you to declare Images or ImageIcons easily and centrally without running the risk of not keeping image resources in the right place. It keeps it nice and tidy, with the JAR containing all your images automatically compiled at run time and distribution of your program.
As a bonus, once the JAR is registered in your classpath - you can keep adding any other images into the same JAR at any time without any fuss too - Everything just works and the added images are instantly available to your app.
Much better in my view.