I found that in WPF, you have to cast Window as a MainWindow.
Looks complicated but it's very easy! However, maybe not best practices.
Supposing we have a Label1, a Button1 in the MainWindow, and you have a class that deals with anything related to the User Interface called UI.
We can have the following:
MainWindow Class:
namespace WpfApplication1
public partial class MainWindow : Window
UI ui = null;
//Here, "null" prevents an automatic instantiation of the class,
//which may raise a Stack Overflow Exception or not.
//If you're creating controls such as TextBoxes, Labels, Buttons...
public MainWindow()
InitializeComponent(); //This starts all controls created with the XAML Designer.
ui = new UI(); //Now we can safely create an instantiation of our UI class.
UI Class:
namespace WpfApplication1
public class UI
MainWindow Form = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MainWindow;
//Bear in mind the array! Ensure it's the correct Window you're trying to catch.
public void Start()
Form.Label1.Content = "Yay! You made it!";
Form.Top = 0;
Form.Button1.Width = 50;
//Et voilá! You have now access to the MainWindow and all it's controls
//from a separate class/file!
CreateLabel(text, count); //Creating a control to be added to "Form".
private void CreateLabel(string Text, int Count)
Label aLabel = new Label();
aLabel.Name = Text.Replace(" ", "") + "Label";
aLabel.Content = Text + ": ";
aLabel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
aLabel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
aLabel.Margin = new Thickness(0);
aLabel.FontFamily = Form.DIN;
aLabel.FontSize = 29.333;
Grid.SetRow(aLabel, Count);
Grid.SetColumn(aLabel, 0);
Form.MainGrid.Children.Add(aLabel); //Haha! We're adding it to a Grid in "Form"!