- (GMSReverseGeocodeResult *)firstResult;
whose definition is like:
@interface GMSReverseGeocodeResult : NSObject<NSCopying>
/** Returns the first line of the address. */
- (NSString *)addressLine1;
/** Returns the second line of the address. */
- (NSString *)addressLine2;
Is there any way to obtain the country, ISO country code, state (administrative_area_1 or corresponding one) from those two strings (valid for all the countries and all the addresses)?
NOTE: I tried to execute this piece of code
[[GMSGeocoder geocoder] reverseGeocodeCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(40.4375, -3.6818) completionHandler:^(GMSReverseGeocodeResponse *resp, NSError *error)
NSLog( @"Error is %@", error) ;
NSLog( @"%@" , resp.firstResult.addressLine1 ) ;
NSLog( @"%@" , resp.firstResult.addressLine2 ) ;
} ] ;
But for some reason the handler was never called. I did add the app key, and also added the iOS bundle id to the app key. No error is printed in the console. With this I mean I am not aware of the content of the lines.
now provides structured addresses viaGMSAddress
, deprecatingGMSReverseGeocodeResult
." - Google Maps SDK for iOS Release Notes, Version 1.7, February 2014. – Uranian