Oleg's answer works fine for me as long as I have no Group headers.
When I add group header row with 'setGroupHeaders'
the results of a 'GridUnload' followed by a $('#mygrid').jqGrid({...}) are not consistent.
It works fine in Chrome but not in IE11.
In IE11, each 'jqg-third-row-header' item ends up rendered on different rows (diagonally).
I am using free-jqGrid:query.jqgrid.src.js version 4.13.4 for debugging.
I traced the problem down to code, in this file, that begins with line 9936:
if (o.useColSpanStyle) {
// Increase the height of resizing span of visible headers
$htable.find("span.ui-jqgrid-resize").each(function () {
var $parent = $(this).parent();
if ($parent.is(":visible")) {
this.style.cssText = "height:" + $parent.height() + "px !important; cursor:col-resize;";
//this.style.cssText = "height:" + $parent.css('line-height'); + "px !important;cursor:col-resize;";
// Set position of the sortable div (the main lable)
// with the column header text to the middle of the cell.
// One should not do this for hidden headers.
$htable.find(".ui-th-column>div").each(function () {
var $ts = $(this), $parent = $ts.parent();
if ($parent.is(":visible") && $parent.is(":has(span.ui-jqgrid-resize)") && !($ts.hasClass("ui-jqgrid-rotate") || $ts.hasClass("ui-jqgrid-rotateOldIE"))) {
// !!! it seems be wrong now
$ts.css("top", ($parent.height() - $ts.outerHeight(true)) / 2 + "px");
// $ts.css("top", ($parent.css('line-height') - $ts.css('line-height')) / 2 + "px");
This code sets the height and top css values related to each 'jqg-third-row-header' item. This leads to a tall and diagonal layout of the 'jqg-third-row-header'
Potential Bug:.
The $parent.height() and $ts.height() methods, above, return the former jqGrid table height in IE11. In Chrome they return the 'th' computed height(top = 0).
I added and tested the 2 commented lines that use line-height.
IE11 works fine when line-height is used.
I do not completely understand the JqGrid resize logic, so this may not be a fix.
Alternate Solution:
If you specify.
label: 'D',
name: 'W',
width: 6,
align: 'center',
resizable:false //required for IE11 multiple calls to this init()
When resizable is false the code above is not encountered and the height and top are not set.
Oleg's jqGrid is a very nice control. Perhaps he can test his demo grid with a groupheader on IE11.