I had to make some adjustments to the answers provided here. But here's the code I ended up with (Note I'm using GLM, that could affect multiplication order). nearResult is the projected point on the near plane and farResult is the projected point on the far plane. I want to perform a ray cast to see what my mouse is hovering over so I convert them to a direction vector which will then originate from my camera's position.
vec3 getRayFromScreenSpace(const vec2 & pos)
mat4 invMat= inverse(m_glData.getPerspective()*m_glData.getView());
vec4 near = vec4((pos.x - Constants::m_halfScreenWidth) / Constants::m_halfScreenWidth, -1*(pos.y - Constants::m_halfScreenHeight) / Constants::m_halfScreenHeight, -1, 1.0);
vec4 far = vec4((pos.x - Constants::m_halfScreenWidth) / Constants::m_halfScreenWidth, -1*(pos.y - Constants::m_halfScreenHeight) / Constants::m_halfScreenHeight, 1, 1.0);
vec4 nearResult = invMat*near;
vec4 farResult = invMat*far;
nearResult /= nearResult.w;
farResult /= farResult.w;
vec3 dir = vec3(farResult - nearResult );
return normalize(dir);