I tried an example of stacked series on JSFiddle but according to me, series are reversed when stacked:
$(function () {
chart: {
xAxis: {
categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
plotOptions: {
series: {
stacking: 'normal'
series: [{
data: [29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]
}, {
data: [144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4, 29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2]
The first line in blue should be drawn first (January : 29.9), and the second should be added to this one (January : 29.9 + 144 = 173.9 ).
Is there a way to get series in the right order when they are stacked?
legend: { reversed: true }
to get it in the right order too. Thanks ! – Parthenos