I know this is discussed many times everywhere i the community but I just can't find a nice and simple implementation of a Singleton Pattern in Delphi. I have an example in C#:
public sealed class Singleton {
// Private Constructor
Singleton() { }
// Private object instantiated with private constructor
static readonly Singleton instance = new Singleton();
// Public static property to get the object
public static Singleton UniqueInstance {
get { return instance; }
I know there is no solution as elegant as this in Delphi and I saw a lot of discussion about no being able to correctly hide the constructor in Delphi (make it private) so we would need to override the NewInstance and FreeInstance methods. Something along those lines I believe is the implementation I found on ibeblog.com - "Delphi: Singleton Patterns":
TTestClass = class
class var FInstance: TTestClass;
class function GetInstance: TTestClass;
class destructor DestroyClass;
{ TTestClass }
class destructor TTestClass.DestroyClass;
if Assigned(FInstance) then
class function TTestClass.GetInstance: TTestClass;
if not Assigned(FInstance) then
FInstance := TTestClass.Create;
Result := FInstance;
What would be your suggestion regarding the Singleton Pattern? Can it be simple and elegant and thread safe?
Thank you.