How can I do in order to show less values on the X axis, to get the data organized?
However I want the values are all shown. One idea I had was to use the zoom so you can see all the records, but do not know if it was a good idea, or rather do not even know it.
As you can see in the picture my idea is that data more legible, in order to realize the best of everything.
Does anyone can help me please?
//Code with result from query and chart create
String query="select (CONCAT(`date`, ' ', hour)), temperature from records where idTermomether like 'T1' and date between '2014-06-01' and '2014-06-03'";
JDBCCategoryDataset dataset = new JDBCCategoryDataset (CriaConexao.getConexao(),query);
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart(" - Temperature", "Date", "Temperature", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, true);
BarRenderer renderer = null;
CategoryPlot plot= chart.getCategoryPlot();
CategoryAxis xAxis=(CategoryAxis)plot.getDomainAxis();
renderer=new BarRenderer();
ChartFrame frame = new ChartFrame("Temperature", chart);