So I want to maintain a specific aspect ratio of a div
, where the height is fixed. In the past I have done this, but only when using a fixed width like this:
.one-one {
position: relative;
.one-one:before {
display: block;
content: " ";
width: 100%;
padding-top: 56.25%;
/* Ratio of 16:9 (16w:9h)
* (h / w) * 100 = %
* (9 / 16) * 100 = %
* 0.5625 * 100 = 56.25%
* 1:1 = 100%
So that's how I would do it using a fixed width of 100% in this example. However, this time I want to make an iPhone mockup where there is a fixed height of 100% and the ratio is 4:7 (4w:7h). Using a fixed height, I can set a height of 100% and a max-height of 100% so it doesn't overflow off the page while still keeping the 4:7 ratio. So, does anyone know how you would do that? Either using this method or another method.
Thanks for any help!
etc. because every time I use it I end up with a bunch of devices/browsers which are broken. – Unreflective