We need ADT having search and rank features. That is, in addition to the interface of STL map, a function 'int get_rank(key)' is required.
Standard implementation of such function requires supporting and updating an extra integer field in every node of self-balanced searching tree (e.g., in black-red tree, used in STL map/set). But it seems, STL map/set do not do this.
We're looking for a solution based on standard containers (STL, Boost) having the best possible Time Complexity: finding/adding/erasing an element take O(log n) (like in STL map/set), computing the rank by a key takes also O(log n).
By the rank of an element, we mean the position of the element in the sorted sequence of all the elements of the map/set.
Example. set = {0, 4, 6, 7, 8} rank(0)=1, rank(4)=2, rank(6)=3, rank(7)=4, rank(8)=5.
In our opinion, under Time Complexity constrains above, the problem cannot be solved by a combination of two maps one sorting by key and other sorting by rank.
, see here. – Betatron