I would like to split a 3D numpy array into 3D blocks in a 'pythonic' way. I am working with image sequences that are somewhat large arrays (1000X1200X1600), so I need to split them into pieces to do my processing.
I have written functions to do this, but I am wondering if there is a native numpy way to accomplish this - numpy.split does not seem to do what I want for 3D arrays (but perhaps I don't understand its functionality)
To be clear: the code below accomplishes my task, but I am seeking a faster way to do it.
def make_blocks(x,t):
#x should be a yXmXn matrix, and t should even divides m,n
#returns a list of 3D blocks of size yXtXt
down = range(0,x.shape[1],t)
across = range(0,x.shape[2],t)
reshaped = []
for d in down:
for a in across:
return reshaped
def unmake_blocks(x,d,m,n):
#this takes a list of matrix blocks of size dXd that is m*n/d^2 long
#returns a 2D array of size mXn
rows = []
for i in range(0,int(m/d)):
return np.vstack(rows)
array, what size blocks do you want?np.split
only works on one dimension. I'm guessing, without studying your functions, that you want to split in 2 or 3 of the dimensions. – Ingot