The question is rather unspecific so it’s of course difficult to get on the right track here. All of the given answers focus different issues. I would say that PeterX had the best guess. The reason for the error could be as simple as a modified data source.
I came across with a bug "error output has no corresponding output" quite often when adding a new column to a table that needs to be processed by an existing SSIS package. This bug came along with an error message saying that a "Value does not fall within the expected range".
A newly added column needed to be processed by an existing SSIS Package. The expected behavior is that SSIS will recognize that there is a new column and select this column on the columns page of the OLEDB Source Task SSIS to be processed. However, when opening the OLEDB Source Task for the first time after having modified the table I got twice the following error message: "Value does not fall within the expected range." The error message showed up when opening the editor and when opening the Columns page of the editor. Within the Advanced Editor of the OLEDB Source Task the new column showed up in the OLEDB Source Output Columns Tree, but not in the OLEDB Source Error Output Columns Tree. This is the actual underlying problem of the error message. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to add the missing column manually.
To solve the problem, remove and re-add the newly added column on the Columns Page of the normal Editor as mentioned by Jeff.
It is worth to be mentioned that the data source of the OLEDB Source task was a modified MDS View. Microsoft CRM Dynamics – as mentioned in the related thread – is using views, too. That leads me to the conclusion, that using views as a data source may produce either of the above mentioned errors, when modifying datatypes or adding/removing columns.
Related Thread: Error" ...The OLE DB Source.Outputs[OLE DB Source Output].Columns[XXXXXXXX] on the non-error output has no corresponding output
The described workaround refers to Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30729.4462 QFE with Mircorsoft.NET Framework 3.5 SP1. The database is SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2).