In my Android application running in a XOOM device, when I click in an Edittext the keyboard opens and hides the Actionbar. I don't want this to happen, how can I solve this? This is done by the Google Contacts app for the tablet for example.
I have several edittexts in which the user needs fo fill. At first, when the user clicked on one edittext on the bottom, the keyboard showed up and hide the edittext in which the user was typing, so he couldn't see what he was typing. I found it really bad, and to solve it I just added to the manifest: android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustPan"
But after that, now the screen adjust itselfs and hides the action bar.
The Google Contacts app does the same, but it magically doesn't hide the Action bar. How do they do it?
) to this EditText – Baryton