Complete example of Dijkstra’s algorithm using C# 12
in .NET 8
. And using NUnit
for testing.
To code this example, you’ll need three hash tables: graph
, costs
and parents
And the algorithm you need to implement looks like this:
Now code it:
public static class DijkstraAlgorithm
public static void FindShortestPath(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> graph,
Dictionary<string, int> costs,
Dictionary<string, string?> parents)
// Store the visited nodes
var visited = new HashSet<string>();
var lowestCostUnvisitedNode = FindLowestCostUnvisitedNode(costs, visited);
while (lowestCostUnvisitedNode != null)
var cost = costs[lowestCostUnvisitedNode];
var neighbors = graph[lowestCostUnvisitedNode];
foreach (var neighbor in neighbors)
// New cost to get to the neighbor of lowestCostUnvisitedNode
var newCost = cost + neighbor.Value;
if (newCost < costs[neighbor.Key])
costs[neighbor.Key] = newCost;
parents[neighbor.Key] = lowestCostUnvisitedNode;
lowestCostUnvisitedNode = FindLowestCostUnvisitedNode(costs, visited);
private static string? FindLowestCostUnvisitedNode(Dictionary<string, int> costs, HashSet<string> visited)
return costs
.Where(node => !visited.Contains(node.Key))
.OrderBy(node => node.Value)
// When .Where above returns empty collection, this will give default KeyValuePair: { Key = null, Value = 0 }
// Not necessary for the algorithm, just created to answer this question
public static string ConstructFinalRoute(Dictionary<string, string?> parents)
var route = new List<string>();
var currentNode = "Finish";
// The loop will exit when currentNode becomes "Start". "Start" has no parent, so currentNode gets null
while (currentNode != null)
currentNode = parents.GetValueOrDefault(currentNode);
return string.Join("=>", route);
And test it:
using NUnit.Framework;
public class DijkstraAlgorithmTests
public void DijkstraAlgorithm_Finds_Shortest_Path()
// Arrange
var costs = new Dictionary<string, int>
// Costs from "start" to:
{ "A", 6 },
{ "B", 2 },
{ "Finish", int.MaxValue }
// Store the neighbors and the cost for getting to that neighbor
var graph = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>
["Start"] = new() { { "A", 6 }, { "B", 2 } }, // For eg: Going from Start to A and B
["A"] = new() { { "Finish", 1 } },
["B"] = new() { { "A", 3 }, { "Finish", 5 } },
["Finish"] = new()
// Store the parents
var parents = new Dictionary<string, string?>
{ "A", "Start" },
{ "B", "Start" },
{ "Finish", null }
// Act
DijkstraAlgorithm.FindShortestPath(graph, costs, parents);
var finalRoute = DijkstraAlgorithm.ConstructFinalRoute(parents);
// Assert
Assert.That(costs["Finish"], Is.EqualTo(6));
Assert.That(parents["A"], Is.EqualTo("B"));
Assert.That(parents["B"], Is.EqualTo("Start"));
Assert.That(parents["Finish"], Is.EqualTo("A"));
Assert.That(finalRoute, Is.EqualTo("Start=>B=>A=>Finish"));
Reference: Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava