Looking at this webpage: http://www.toptal.com/python/an-introduction-to-mocking-in-python -- The author talks about Mocking and Patching in Python and gives a pretty solid "real-world" example. The part that is tripping me up is understanding how the unit testing frame work knows which mock object gets passed to which patch.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import os.path
def rm(filename):
if os.path.isfile(filename):
Code sample is pretty easy to understand. Hard-coded dependency on the OS library/module. First checks if the file exists using the os.path.isfile()
method and if so, removes it using os.remove()
Test/Mock code is as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from mymodule import rm
import mock
import unittest
class RmTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_rm(self, mock_os, mock_path):
# set up the mock
mock_path.isfile.return_value = False
rm("any path")
# test that the remove call was NOT called.
self.assertFalse(mock_os.remove.called, "Failed to not remove the file if not present.")
# make the file 'exist'
mock_path.isfile.return_value = True
rm("any path")
mock_os.remove.assert_called_with("any path")
I guess what's confusing me is that there are 2 @Patch calls and 2 parameters passed in the test. How does the unit testing framework know that mymodule.os.path
is patching os.path
and that it is mapped to mock_path
? And where is mymodule.os.path
(There appears to be a lot of "magic" going on and I'm not following it.)