I'm trying to implement a multilanguage app. i need to access the requested language by adding a two letter iso parameter to the URL before the controller name. for example: http://appPath/en/home http://appPath/fr/home http://appPath/ar/home
.state('home', {
url: '/home',
templateUrl: baseTemplateUrl + "home.html",
controller: 'homeController'
.state('login', {
url: '/login',
templateUrl: baseTemplateUrl + "login.html",
controller: 'loginController'
.state('customers', {
url: '/customers',
templateUrl: baseTemplateUrl + "customers.html",
controller: 'customersController'
.state('signup', {
url: '/signup',
templateUrl: baseTemplateUrl + "signup.html",
controller: 'signupController'
i'm using a basic stateprovider for routing right now. any idea how to change this to get this feature working?
Thank you in advance,
For anyone having the same problem, my solution was:
changed each state to the following
.state('signup', {
url: '/:lang/signup',
templateUrl: baseTemplateUrl + "signup.html",
controller: 'signupController',
resolve: {
lang: ['$stateParams', function ($stateParams) {
document.cookie = "lang=" + $stateParams.lang;
i save the value of the $stateParams lang into a cookie so you can access it through the app.run() and pass it to my translationService since the $stateParams is not initialized yet there.
this way your app will work only with html5mode=false. which means you will always see an ugly hashtag in the URL (http://path/#/{lang}/{controllername} andto solve this, i configured the $locationProvider this way:
and set the base url of the site by inserting inside the tag of your index.html file this line:
<base href="/">