I am having a web application with web service and client will register their application using my web application.
Now client will have application of type SPA or mobile apps and they will consume my webservices from their apps.
So I would be implementing token based mechanism for securing access to my endpoints.
1) But here I am confused that shall I use any framework to generate access token or I can use any library which will generate any random string which i will send in response.for instance something like this :
TokenId = Convert.ToBase64String(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()).Replace("+", "_")
So while registering application if client have enabled authentication for their application then user will be validated and then I will return access token and also save accesstoken in my database with that user id.
So my database table would be like below for storing validated accesstoken :
Id(autogenerated) accesstoken userid clientid createdat expiresat
So after user is authenticated and now if user want to access any protected resources then user need to pass this access token in subsequent call in header.
So what I will do I will get access token from header and then validate that accesstoken against that database and then allow access to my protected resource other wise user would get authorized.
I have seen lots of things related to this so basically this is oauth2 and I want to implement this.
I have seen Openid connect(this project doesnt even compile) which is on top of oauth2 and which is used for authentication and oauth2 will be used for authorization.
But here as I am storing access token in my database so here is my doubt related to that :
2) Now do I need openconnectid (but this project doesn't even compile) for validating access token or as I am having storing access token in my database I don't need openconnectid?
3) I want to implement asp.net identity but then I will receive dynamic database connection string and as i have seen asp.net identity mostly works with entity framework I couldn't find any source where I could use ado.net to validate username and password using SQL query. I know I can do something like this :
Make a custom user class which implements IUser as described here Define a custom user store which implements
public class UserStoreService
: IUserStore<CustomUser>, IUserPasswordStore<CustomUser>
But I won't be having this information as I don't have fixed connection string.connection string again is stored in database with client registration.
4) We have given user a fixed endpoint through which client can create an admin so for that I will use my RSA algorithm for password hashing and then store it in database. So with this now do i need to use asp.net identity?
5) I have seen lots of following link with token based implementation but I am not getting where they are validating accesstoken in which part but now as I am having accesstoken stored in my database do I need to use any of the following implementation?
6) Moreover if for any client if client don't want authentication for its respective application then what I will do is I will don't have that username password validation but I will simply generate accesstoken and then send in response so then in every subsequent request that access token will be pass to access protected resources.Do you think this make sense?
I have never seen any example where access token is store in database and problem with storing access token in database would be I have to make a call to database every time to validate access token for each endpoint.
Update :
Use case of my webservice engine would be:
1) Support multiple client application.
2) Manage user session in the form of token management for each client application. So here as most of the article is storing accesstoken in identity and that identity is validated inside [Authorize] attribute in which accesstoken is also validated and based on that user is allowed to access protected resources.This is what my understanding is up until now.
So if I also user identity and store user context inside identity supporting multiple client application is a good idea?