I'm trying to make an Autocomplete field which should fetch cities as the user types, by using the Google Places API as described in this tutorial: https://developers.google.com/places/training/autocomplete-android
You've probably found this question around many times before as I did, but none of the answers helped me. Here are the things you should know:
Please don't reply by saying you replaced the API key with your own and it worked - the API key which goes there must be Android specific and won't work from a browser.
So did I make the Android API key using the SHA1 fingerprint obtained from the keystore I signed the app with. I turned on Maps and Places APIs from the console. The quota isn't exceeded.
All those and it still gives me REQUEST_DENIED
What I didn't mention is that I have O2Auth activated - does that change anything? Shouldn't it be as simple as putting the API key in the app?