I found an article that tries to explain it here: Why does Heap's algorithm work?
However, I think it is hard to understand it, so came up with an explanation that is hopefully easier to understand:
Please just assume that these statements are true for a moment (i'll show that later):
Each invocation of the "generate" function
(I) where n is odd, leaves the elements in the exact same ordering when it is finished.
(II) where n is even, rotates the elements to the right, for example ABCD becomes DABC.
So in the "for i"-loop
n is even
The recursive call "generate(n - 1, A)" does not change the order.
So the for-loop can iteratively swap the element at i=0..(n-1) with the element at (n - 1) and will have called "generate(n - 1, A)" each time with another element missing.
n is odd
The recursive call "generate(n - 1, A)" has rotated the elements right.
So the element at index 0 will always be a different element automatically.
Just swap the elements at 0 and (n-1) in each iteration to produce a unique set of elements.
Finally, let's see why the initial statements are true:
(III) This series of swaps result in a rotation to the right by one position:
A[0] <-> A[n - 1]
A[1] <-> A[n - 1]
A[2] <-> A[n - 1]
A[n - 2] <-> A[n - 1]
For example try it with sequence ABCD:
A[0] <-> A[3]: DBCA
A[1] <-> A[3]: DACB
A[2] <-> A[3]: DABC
(IV) This series of steps leaves the sequence in the exact same ordering as before:
Repeat n times:
Rotate the sub-sequence a[0...(n-2)] to the right
Swap: a[0] <-> a[n - 1]
Intuitively, this is true:
If you have a sequence of length 5, then rotate it 5 times, it ends up unchanged.
Taking the element at 0 out before the rotation, then after the rotation swapping it with the new element at 0 does not change the outcome (if rotating n times).
Now we can see why (I) and (II) are true:
If n is 1:
Trivially, the ordering is unchanged after invoking the function.
If n is 2:
The recursive calls "generate(n - 1, A)" leave the ordering unchanged (because it invokes generate with first argument being 1).
So we can just ignore those calls.
The swaps that get executed in this invocation result in a right-rotation, see (III).
If n is 3:
The recursive calls "generate(n - 1, A)" result in a right-rotation.
So the total steps in this invocation equal (IV) => The sequence is unchanged.
Repeat for n = 4, 5, 6, ...