How to update components props in storybook
Asked Answered



I am using storybook (this) to play with my components in isolation. I want to mock all the flux cycle (that in the full app it is done with the help of redux) and update a property using a simple object in the story, but I am missing something.

  storiesOf('Color picker', module).add('base', () => {
    let colorPickerState = {
      changeColor: function(data) {
        this.color = data.color
      color: '#00aced'
    return (

I expect the value prop of <ColorPicker /> to be updated when the onChange is called; I can see the value of colorPickerState.color being updated correctly, but the component does not re-render.

What am I missing?

Pose answered 28/8, 2017 at 11:53 Comment(0)

You can write a dummy-component which will render the real story component inside it, and then you get to have that dummy-component's state property.

In the below example I'm using knobs addon in a story of a Slider component

    .add('Slider', () => {
        // create dummy component that wraps the Slider and allows state:
        class StoryComp extends React.Component {
            constructor( props ){

                this.state = {
                    value : this.props.value || 0,

            onValueChange = value => this.setState({ value })

                const props = {
                    onValueChange:this.onValueChange, // <--- Reason "StoryComp" is needed
                    value:this.state.value            // <--- Reason "StoryComp" is needed

                return <Slider {...props} />

        // knobs (customaziable props)
        const widthKnobOptions = {
            range : true,
            min   : 200,
            max   : 1500,
            step  : 1

        const props = {
            value : number('value', 200000),
            min   : number('min', 100),
            step  : number('step', 1000),
            max   : number('max', 1000000),
            width : number('width', 700, widthKnobOptions)

        return <StoryComp {...props} />
Baloney answered 8/1, 2019 at 9:32 Comment(2)
Where do you import "storybookWrapper" from?Miscible
@Miscible - my mistake, I should have removed it since it was only relevant to my implementation (at the time) [answer updated]Baloney

You can use an addon to achieve this:

So your code would look like:

import { State, Store } from '@sambego/storybook-state';

const store = new Store({
  value: '#00aced',

storiesOf('Color picker', module).add('base', () => {
  return (
    <State store={store}>
        onChange={(data) => store.set({ value: data.color })}
Herwick answered 20/2, 2018 at 21:4 Comment(4)
How about without using a third-party package?Fistic
How does ColorPicker uses the store from State ? (it's unclear)Baloney
@Baloney by passing store={store} to StateMiscible
I might be wrong, but I think @Baloney was asking how, within the ColorPicker component, one makes use of the value stored in the store? Even if they weren't asking that, I would love to know the answer?Ernie

I would try employing the useState hook from react - updating state values via its setters seems to have the effect of re-rendering your storybook component.

I had a similar problem where my data input form's state and event handling (including complex validation) is done in globally, up a level in the component tree. I was able to get a working demo of this component and its complex validation by writing a simple event handler to pass along to my component.

Do note that my code is in Typescript. I am pretty new to the React world so this might not be perfect.

// Things defined elsewhere: IComponentProps, IValidationResult, IFormInput, EntryForm
// useState and useCallbac comes from react
export const MyComponentDemo = (args: IComponentProps) => {

    const [validations, setValidations] = useState<IValidationResult[]>([]);
    const [theForm, setTheForm] = useState<IFormInput>(
            // set other interesting default form values here

    const dummyValidationMethod = useCallback((form: IFormInput) => {

        let validations : IValidationResult[] = [];

        // Do validation using data from form


    }, []);

    return (
Microgroove answered 12/2, 2021 at 19:25 Comment(0)

In the latest version (v6) this functionality calls Args. Also you can use argTypes to see action's logs or specify props.

Xeniaxeno answered 28/10, 2021 at 12:2 Comment(1)
But how do you update them in your story code? (I'll understand if you're too busy to respond!)Ladder

For anyone looking for the solution with modern React and Storybook

Let's say we have re-written ColorPicker to be a functional component in React which takes state from a parent component with the following interface:

interface ColorPickerProps {
  name: string
  useColorPickerState: [value: string, setValue: (value: string) => void ] // useState() array passed from parent (we're replacing onChange and value props with this)

React doesn't let you use hooks outside of functions, so we can just create a wrapper functional component to make state work as expected in storybook:

import { StoryObj, Meta } from '@storybook/react'
import ColorPicker, { ColorPickerProps } from 'location-of-your-component'
import { useState } from 'react'

function ColorPickerWrapper({ name }: Pick<ColorPickerProps, 'name'>) {
  const [value, setValue] = useState('#0ed0ac')
  return <ColorPicker name={name} useColorPickerState=[value, setValue] />

const meta: Meta<typeof ColorPicker> = {
  title: 'Components/ColorPicker',
  component: ColorPickerWrapper

export default meta

type Story = StoryObj<typeof ColorPicker>

export const Base: Story = {
  args: {
    name: 'color'

I appreciate this is a different case to the OP's question, but hopefully this helps someone looking for this :)

Hydromechanics answered 26/7, 2023 at 19:43 Comment(0)

The official approach from the Storybook team is using the useArgs hook:

import { StoryObj, Meta } from '@storybook/react';
import { useArgs } from '@storybook/preview-api';
import { Checkbox } from './checkbox';

const meta: Meta<typeof Checkbox> = {
  title: 'Inputs/Checkbox',
  component: Checkbox,
export default meta;

type Story = StoryObj<typeof Checkbox>;

export const Example: Story = {
  args: {
    isChecked: false,
    label: 'Try Me!',

  render: function Render(args) {
    const [{ isChecked }, updateArgs] = useArgs();

    function onChange() {
      updateArgs({ isChecked: !isChecked });

    return <Checkbox {...args} onChange={onChange} isChecked={isChecked} />;

Link to documentation:

Digiacomo answered 16/7, 2024 at 9:45 Comment(0)

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