There is a post regarding this. Instead of the deprecated Field
and BucketIterator
classes, it uses the TextClassificationDataset
along with the collator and other preprocessing. It reads a txt file and builds a dataset, followed by a model. Inside the post, there is a link to a complete working notebook. The post is at: But you need the 'dev' (or nightly build) of PyTorch for it to work.
From the link above:
After tokenization and building vocabulary, you can build the dataset as follows
def data_to_dataset(data, tokenizer, vocab):
data = [(text, label) for (text, label) in data]
text_transform = sequential_transforms(tokenizer.tokenize,
label_transform = sequential_transforms(lambda x: 1 if x =='1' else (0 if x =='0' else x),
transforms = (text_transform, label_transform)
dataset = TextClassificationDataset(data, vocab, transforms)
return dataset
The collator is as follows:
def __init__(self, pad_idx):
self.pad_idx = pad_idx
def collate(self, batch):
text, labels = zip(*batch)
labels = torch.LongTensor(labels)
text = nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(text, padding_value=self.pad_idx, batch_first=True)
return text, labels
Then, you can build the dataloader with the typical
using the collate_fn